It all started when...

Robb Cohen has founded and sold seven companies throughout his 40+ year career.  A lifelong entrepreneur and sales professional, he has spent the last decade consulting with executives in a variety of luxury industries to assess current marketing and sales efforts.  His comprehensive research, reports, and recommendations have helped thousands of companies across the country better qualify leads, convert leads to sales, improve efficiency and effectiveness, enhance brand loyalty across target markets, and impact bottom line revenues.

Robb has been recognized for his marketing and sales acumen. He was named ‘Businessman of the Year’ in the state of Virginia in 2001 and served on a Presidential Economic Roundtable from 2001 to 2003.  In 2005, he was awarded the IBS National Award for Best Automated Sales, Marketing and Customer Service System for software he developed and, in 2006, he won an industry best product award for this same system. A businessman with a nationwide reputation, Robb was appointed to, and served on, President George Bush’s economic round table for two years.

In addition, Robb is an internationally known speaker on a diverse range of sales and marketing topics. He is also a top sales trainer and has been privileged to have trained over 12,000 sales people over his 40 year career.


Robb Cohen - - 703 405 1307